Blank name tracing worksheets for preschool

Free printable blank name tracing worksheets for preschool – editable PDF!

Picture of name tracing worksheets and strip for preschool

My four-year-old twins have been practicing how to write their first name for a few months now. And they love it!

To make it as easy as possible on myself, I made simple name tracing strips, laminated them, and now we re-use them all the time.

So today I am going to give you my updated and colorful version so you can make them for your kids too.

For more handwriting practice also get my free printable lined paper!

Editable name tracing worksheets for preschool (blank)

First of all, the included name tracing PDF is EDITABLE.

So if you have a program to edit PDFs at home or your work, you will be able to add any font and any name you want to these blank name tracing worksheets.

If editing PDFs is not an option for you, you can easily write your child’s name, then laminate the pages and use them that way.

It really is up to you what font you use.

In my example below I used regular fonts that come with my computer as well as the dashed font that I got online. You can go ahead and download any dashed font you prefer, but you might need to purchase it.

Once your children have plenty of experience with tracing their names, then you can use the blank name tracing worksheets and let them spell and write their names as much as they want to.

This really is the easiest way to teach children to write their name.

Free name tracing worksheets for preschoolers

You will find a total of five pages in this printable name tracing pdf.

I added a hint of color to each row so your kids can choose which ones they like the most. It will make things a little more interesting.

I also added two pages without any color at all.

So It’s up to your preference which ones you choose to use.

You might need to play around with the size of the fonts , stretch them or change their color to grey to make the names fit correctly.

I hope these name tracing pages will come in handy in your classroom or at home!


blank name tracing worksheets for preschool

Also get: Dolch sight words tracing worksheets

blank name tracing worksheets for preschool
blank name tracing worksheets for preschool

Please remember, these name tracing worksheets are for personal or classroom use only.