Free printable Dolch sight words practice sheets for your kindergarteners!
Your kindergarteners will enjoy these sunny sight words worksheets perfect for spring and summer season!
They include more Dolch sight words to go with the rest of my sight words printables.

Sight words worksheets for spring and summer
There is a total of eight printable pages. These are the sight words included: came, into, on, ran, ride, there, was, what.
The worksheets have two sections. First, children will read and trace the given sight word. And then they’ll have to find it and color it among the others.
Feel free to use these in your kindergarten classroom or homeschool.
And to download this sight word printable, go down to the bottom of this post and get your free pdf there.
More Sight Words Worksheets
Dolch sight words tracing
Sight words search for kindergarten
Candy sight words activity
Kindergarten sight words scramble
Summer sight words
Spring sight words worksheets
Green eggs sight words
Winter sight words printable
Spring kindergarten learning pack
Christmas words activity pages

Please, remember these printable sight word worksheets are for classroom or personal use only. Any redistribution or altering is not allowed without written permission first. Thank you!