Free printable counting worksheets for your Dr. Seuss theme!
Dr. Seuss week is nearly here! Your preschoolers will love counting and coloring these Dr. Seuss inspired pictures.
This is a perfect activity to accompany your lesson plans during Read Across America week. Children will practice counting to 10 and color pictures from their favorite Dr. Seuss books.
Dr. Seuss inspired counting to 10 worksheets
There are two pages included in this free printable pdf.
First, children will count up to 5. Then they move on to counting to 10.
They can color the funny hat, fish in a bowl, or eggs while practicing their numbers.
We love Dr. Seuss at our house so I know my boys will love these worksheets. And I hope your kids will too!
And bonus points to the kids who can guess the books the pictures are referring to!
To download, just go to the bottom of the post and get your free printable there.
Have fun!
Don’t miss: Cats with funny hats shape matching
You’ll like: Green eggs sight words
Please, remember these printable counting worksheets are for classroom or personal use only. Any redistribution or altering is not allowed without written permission first. Thank you!
Good day
Want to know if you can help me plz
I’m working on 1 theme a week
So can you maybe help me with working sheets for 5 days a week on 1 theme but 5 different working sheets and colouring pictures please
Hi there!
I haven’t done worksheets by theme for so many days in a row yet. But If you visit you might find what you’re looking for. This lady makes a lot of printables by months of the year and different themes. Maybe this will help?
are we able to use these worksheets to send to our parents while schools are closed during the closure?
Yes, feel free to do that. If possible, please add a link to my website too in case parents would like some more activities for their kiddos. Thank you!
Love these!
My daughter loves Doctor Suess! thank you for these worksheets!
Thank you
Thank you for Doctor Suess work sheet
Thank you
Thank You