Fun-filled printable learning pack for preschoolers!
Your preschoolers will love this preschool printable learning pack full of silly socks and activities!
From matching pairs to sorting by size, making patterns, and more!

Free printable preschool learning pack
You’ll find a total of nine pages in this bundle.
Children will practice:
- tracing
- shapes
- patterns
- sorting by size
- counting to 5 and 10
- matching
- scissor skills
- color by number
- and more!
This bundle is packed with free preschool worksheets perfect for ages 3-4.
All you need to do is download the file, print and you’re ready to go! Children will need to use markers or crayons, as well as scissors and glue.
You’ll find the free printable pdf at the bottom of this article.
Feel free to use them in your classroom or at home with your kids.
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Also see: Ocean same or different activity

Please, keep in mind, that this free printable preschool learning pack is for personal or classroom use only. Altering or redistribution is not allowed in any way. Thank you!