Dot marker subtraction within 10 worksheets

Free printable subtraction within 10 worksheets for kindergarten!

Dot markers make learning so much more fun! Your kids will definitely enjoy working on their subtraction facts with these free printable single-digit subtraction worksheets.

Children will need to find the difference for each problem first and color each bubble with the correct color.

Subtraction from 10 worksheets for kindergarten

Subtraction might be challenging for little children at first. Therefore the more practice they get, the better they do!

If you got my dot marker addition to 10 worksheets already, this new printable pack will accompany them well.

Your kids can practice their addition and subtraction within 10 facts in a fun and engaging way.

You will find two printable pages in this PDF.

Children will need to solve the subtraction problem first, and then use the correct color to dot it.

You can even make it minute to win it style and set a timer for a minute or two.

To download, just go to the end of this article and you will find the PDF there.


And make sure to look at my other addition and subtraction worksheets, too.

Single digit subtraction worksheets

Subtraction from 10 worksheets
Subtraction from 10 worksheets

3 thoughts on “Dot marker subtraction within 10 worksheets”

  1. Good Day! Your Worksheets are great. I’m also thankful that I found this website. I would like to feedback about dot marker subtraction worksheets, I’m a bit confused with the terminology used. Do you think it would be better if, we use the word “difference” since we were talking about subtraction? Looking forward to your response. Thank you po!

  2. Hi! Thank you for letting me know about the mistake. I work late at night on my worksheets so things like these slip through my attention. I fixed it already so the file is updated. Thanks again and don’t hesitate to reach out if you notice something else. Enjoy the worksheets.

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