Number hunt worksheets for preschoolers

Fun and free number hunt worksheets for preschoolers!

If you are looking for some number recognition activities to do with your preschoolers, then these number hunt worksheets are a perfect match.

Children can learn to identify numbers from 1 to 10 in a fun engaging way.

Make sure to also get my free number find worksheets to practice number 1-10 recognition!

number hunt worksheets on a pink background

Number hunt preschool worksheets

Many preschoolers can tell their numbers to ten quite easily. But connecting the number name to the correct numeral is a whole different skill!

So let your kids learn to read the numbers from 1 to 10 with this fun number hunt activity.

And to make it extra fun, just hand them a magnifying glass! They’ll be thrilled to hunt for some numbers.

You will find a total of five pages in this free printable number recognition worksheets set.

To download, just go to the end of this article and you’ll find a link to the pdf there.


Number recognition worksheets 1-10 for preschoolers

numbers 1-10 recognition activities for preschoolers
number hunt worksheets for teaching number 1-10 recognition

14 thoughts on “Number hunt worksheets for preschoolers”

  1. Thank you for the worksheets. very useful for my children. I love to see your sharing upcoming. May God bless you upon your kindness

  2. Thank you for the worksheets. Your website is great I’m definitely use it for my lessons.

  3. Hi! There is a PDF download under a green banner that says “Downonad your PDF below”. Hope this helps.

  4. Hi! Thank you for your comment! Unfortunately, I find it that 2-year olds are best at free play and exploring rather than worksheets! That’s why I don’t focus on that age group. But I recommend if you would like some activities for your little ones.

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