Help your first grader to understand place value with these free printable place value worksheets!
Before first graders can add and subtract two-digit numbers, they need to have a good understanding of place value.
This means children learn to recognize how many groups of tens and how many ones there are in each number. And that the tens and ones in 2-digit numbers always sit in the same place, hence place value.
![Place value worksheets for grade 1 - two pages shown on green backgound](
Practice place value with my ordering two-digit numbers worksheets as well!
Tens and ones worksheets for grade 1
These place value worksheets will help your child practice how many tens and ones are in the number.
The first set of worksheets include a visual representation of numbers in the form of blocks.
Each group of blocks represents the number 10. The rest are the ones.
Children need to count the tens and the ones and then write the whole number.
Ask them to count out loud in case they are struggling and need your help.
![Place value graphic representation worksheet](
Place value worksheets PDF
The next set of worksheets includes two-digit numbers and children will decompose them into tens and ones.
These worksheets are a good way to practice place value in case your child needs extra help.
The more they practice, the more understanding they will get.
![Ten and ones place value worksheet](
To download, just scroll down to the end of this article and get your pdf there.
Please, remember, these place value worksheets are for personal or classroom use only. Any redistribution or altering is not allowed in any way. Thank you!
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