Subtraction to 20 with pictures

Free printable subtraction to 20 worksheets with pictures!

Worksheets for subtraction to 20 in first grade - on green background

Here’s a set of picture worksheets to practice subtraction to 20 with your first graders.

They will use pictures to help them out with solving the equations. But if you prefer using number lines for solving subtraction problems, make sure to check out my latest number line worksheets too.

For addition practice, download my addition to 20 worksheets with pictures.

Subtraction worksheets to 20 with pictures

These worksheets will work great when you want to introduce subtraction to 20 for the first time.

The problems include subtracting only one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers up to 20.

Crossing out the pictures will help children visualize the concept of subtraction or taking away. With plenty of practice, they will gain confidence in this basic math skill.

You will find a total of three pages in this printable pdf. Each page includes six different problems to work on. Use them all at once or one page per day to practice subtracting.

Worksheets for subtraction to 20 in first grade - on green background

And if your child needs more time working on their subtraction with numbers up to 10, then definitely try my spot and dot worksheets too!


Picture subtraction worksheets to 20

Subtraction to 20 worksheet with pictures to cross out
Subtraction to 20 worksheet with pictures to cross out

Please, keep in mind that these subtraction worksheets for grade 1 are for personal and classroom use only.