Inside: Free printable winter math activities for kindergarten!
Here is a set of fun printable snowflake counting puzzles for your kids. They will enjoy counting and matching numbers from one to twelve.
So if you are looking for some easy winter math activities for kindergarten or preschool, then these will definitely serve the purpose!
Snowflake counting puzzles
With these counting puzzles, your children will get to grow their number sense by counting snowflakes and matching numerals with their number words.
They are perfect for preschoolers or kindergarteners and can be used in the classroom or at home.
There is a total of four sheets to print in this printable set. And it includes learning numbers from 1 to 12. Children will enjoy the snowflake theme during chilly winter days.
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Winter math activities for kindergarten printable
This snowflake math activity requires a little bit of prep work. But don’t worry. I kept the puzzle shapes really simple, so cutting them out won’t take too much of your precious time!
First, print these out. If you want to save your ink, feel free to use just black and white option on your printer. The color makes the puzzle a bit more interesting, however.
Make sure to use cardstock paper or laminate them for durability. I always use cardstock for all my printables. I also love using my guillotine trimmer to save time cutting. So if you’ve been thinking about getting one, I highly recommend it.
Once your pieces are cut (and laminated), the snowflake puzzles are ready!
Add these counting puzzles to your winter math lesson plans for kindergarten or preschool, for morning work or small groups.
Parents at home can use these during long winter break to keep their kids on top of the math game as well!
To download, simply click on the download link at the bottom of this post. Then save and print.
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These printable winter math puzzles are for classroom or personal use only. Any re-distribution or altering are not allowed without a written permission first. Thank you!
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