Free printable number bonds worksheets

Free printable number bond worksheets for kindergarten!

Winter is the perfect time to practice number bonds in kindergarten!

These cute worksheets will help your students better understand addition and grow their number sense.

Children will practice number bonds to 10 by finding the missing number from the part-part-whole diagram. And they will write the number sentence as well.

Number bonds kindergarten worksheets pdf - three pages on blue background

Decomposing Numbers to 10 kindergarten worksheets

You will find a total of five number bonds worksheets in this printable PDF set.

You can use them in the upcoming winter weeks to practice decomposing numbers with your kindergarten and first-grade students.

Once children practice decomposing numbers with hands-on items such as linking cubes or counting bears, they are ready to move on to worksheets and writing actual equations.

You can even use my fact families worksheets to expand their learning!

To download my number bonds worksheets, just scroll down to the end of this article and find the PDF there.


Free printable number bonds worksheets for kindergarten - three pages displayed on blue background with text overlay

Free printable number bond worksheets for kindergarten

And here is an example of how the worksheets look like:

Number bonds kindergarten worksheet

And please, keep in mind, that these number bonds worksheets are for personal and classroom use only. Thank you!

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