Free printable 2d shape puzzles for toddlers and preschoolers!
Your little ones will learn their shapes and colors with these basic shape puzzles. There are nine shapes and nine different colors they will practice.
Use this shape activity any time of the year to learn or refresh the shape theme in preschool or kindergarten.
Children will practice basic 2d shapes and colors, too. It’s an excellent activity for children as young as toddlers!

Free printable shape puzzles
There are many fun ways to teach shapes to young children! For instance, check out this printable shape mini-book and let your little ones practice shape recognition in a fun way.
These printable shape puzzles are another fun way to learn shapes and colors.
Each shape is a different color and split in half to make the prep simple and quick. All you need to do is download the puzzles, laminate them for durability, and cut them into pieces.
Then, as your little ones work on their shapes, help them identify the shapes correctly and name the colors too.

2d Shape Puzzles
Children will practice these nine 2d shapes:
- circle
- oval
- square
- rectangle
- triangle
- star
- diamond or rhombus
- pentagon
- hexagon

Shapes worksheets PDF
For more shapes worksheets, check out some of these printables:
Or learn more about shapes here:
Shape Puzzles Printable
Grab these printable shape puzzles below.
Just click on the link right below the pink Planes&Balloons banner.