Grab these free printable tracing sight words worksheets for your kids in kindergarten and first grade!
Let your children or students practice reading and writing the 100 most common sight words with these free printable sight word worksheets.
These sight words worksheets are best used as extra practice at home, during reading stations, quiet work time, or simply as sight words review at the end of the school year.

Sight word tracing worksheets
I made these sight words worksheets with my first graders in mind. But you can use them with younger students in kindergarten or older students in other grades too!
Reading words and writing them are two related but separate skills children need to master. And even though my own kids are good readers, writing is a slow process. Therefore we practice writing one sight word at a time. And repeat to write it until they master it.
I consider mastery to be when they are writing short stories and they spell the sight words correctly without any prompting or correcting. This takes time, patience, and a LOT of practice!

First grade sight words
In this sight words activity, I used the 100 first sight words from Fry’s list. The Fry’s sight words list is considered to be more modern these days, but tracing the Dolch sight words definitely still works too!
You will find a total of thirteen pages in this sight words printable pdf. There are 8 words per page that children need to read, trace, and write.

Sight words worksheets pdf free
These sight words worksheets are easy to prep and ready in no time!
All you’ll need:
- printable Sight words worksheets (download at the very end)
- printer
- paper
- pencil for writing
You can also laminate them or use dry-erase pockets for repeated use in the classroom. You can turn these sight words pages into a writing folder to give out to early finishers.
Free sight word worksheets
For more sight words activities, check out these free printables:
- Sight words flashcards to download for free
- Spot and dot kindergarten sight words to use with dot markers
- 100 first sight words bookmarks to hand out to your students
- Read and match these cut and paste sight words
- Read simple sentences with sight words
- Fun sight words scramble for kindergarten
- Read and write sight words
- Roll and color sight words for first grade
- First grade sight word scramble
- Spot and color first grade sight words

Free sight words printable PDF
You can download the read, trace, and write sight word printable below.
Just find the pink Planes&Balloons banner and the download link right underneath. Then save or print right away.