Adding 10 and taking away 10 – free printable pdf worksheets for grade 1!
Here’s a set of ready-to-go math worksheets for first graders who are learning to add and subtract the number 10!
Children will practice mental math as well as writing their numbers within 100. They will need to figure out numbers that are 10 more and 10 less than the given numbers on the worksheets.
These worksheets will work great as hand-outs for early finishers, individual study, or as extra practice at home.

10 more 10 less worksheets
Besides learning to add numbers within 100, children in first grade need to gain an understanding of adding and taking away 10 from any given number within 100 (Common Core standard 1.NBT.C.5).
First graders should be able to add ten or subtract ten mentally, without the need to count.
My simple worksheets allow children to get more practice in this skill.
You will find two pages in this printable pdf.
Each page includes sixteen numbers for children to work with. One page is for adding ten. The other one for taking away 10.
More number worksheets
100 Number Line allows children to practice and write numbers up to 100 on a number line.
Numbers to 100 – before, in between, and after lets children practice two-digit number recognition as well as writing numerals that come before, in between, and after each number sequence.
Comparing two-digit numbers up to 100 will help you out if your students are working on number comparison. Includes numbers up to 100.
Summer missing numbers worksheets 1-100 are perfect worksheets to practice numbers during the summer break!
120 chart with missing numbers is a great tool to help children grow their understanding of numbers, their number sense.
Ordering two-digit numbers worksheets will help children to practice place value, their understanding of tens and ones.
To download the 10 more 10 less worksheets, just go to the end of this post and you’ll get your PDF there.
10 more 10 less worksheets PDF

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