Free printable counting backwards worksheets with missing numbers!
If your students are practicing counting in reverse order, then these math worksheets will come in handy.
Children will count one and two-digit numbers backwards – from the highest number to the smallest.
I included pages for counting down from 10, 20, 50, and 100.
So whether you have a class full of kindergarten kids or first-graders, you will find something for everyone.

Backwards counting worksheets
You will find a total of eight worksheets on this page, two worksheets per group of numbers.
First, children will start counting backwards from 10. Then they can move on to higher numbers such as 20, 50, and even 100. You can take a peek at the worksheets in the preview below, then download the file at the very end.
You will find these printable worksheets:
- Counting from 10 to 1 worksheets
- Counting from 20 to 1 worksheets
- Counting from 50 to 1 worksheets
- Counting from 100 to 1 worksheets
This will be good practice for writing missing numbers, too, just in backward order. Feel free to hand out my 100 number chart for students who might need some extra help!
For more number worksheets, check out some of the ones below:
120 chart with missing numbers is a perfect addition to these counting worksheets! Children can use number charts to help them out while writing the missing numbers within 120.
Easter missing numbers 1-50 is a fun way to practice numbers within 50 with some Easter eggs!
Tracing numbers 1-100 will be helpful if your students are struggling with writing their one and two-digit numbers. Let them practice with these tracing sheets first!
Before, after, in between numbers 1-100 is another way to practice number order within 100. Children will practice number recognition and writing with these worksheets.
Missing numbers on a number line are perfect worksheets for older students who are learning to work with number lines and number order up to 100.
If you want to download these free printable worksheets, just scroll down the page and find the PDF at the bottom.

Counting backward worksheets from 10 to 1

Backward counting 20 to 1 worksheet



Below you can download all the worksheets in one PDF.
math worksheets
Spot and dot numbers 1-10
Dot marker number recognition 1-20
Candy Cane Lane – Missing Letters And Numbers
Summer missing numbers worksheets 1-100
Spring ten frame worksheets
Kindergarten place value worksheets cut & paste
Winter number bonds to 10 worksheets
I spy Easter eggs & graphing activity
Kindergarten patterns practice sheets