Free printable same and different worksheets for Halloween!
Your kids will love these same and different Halloween worksheets!
They are fun and challenging enough to keep your toddlers and preschoolers interested while learning!
And for more spooky fun, also get my Halloween tracing sheets for preschool!

Halloween worksheets for preschool
My kids love doing this type of same and different activities. That’s why I keep making new ones!
So as always, there are two pages to work through.
The first one asks children to find the odd picture compared to the rest. And the second page wants them to spot two of the same objects in a row of similar ones.
With these Halloween-themed worksheets, kids will practice visual discrimination and attention to detail. And they might like to color the pictures, too!
Halloween worksheets PDF
These worksheets are a fun way to celebrate the spooky Halloween season.
Just beware, some of the differences are harder to spot than others! Therefore you might need to gently guide your preschooler in case they get frustrated.
This is going to be a great printable for your October and Halloween theme in the classroom or at home.

More Halloween worksheets
Check out some of the most popular Halloween worksheets from around Planes&Balloons:
Jack-o-lantern I spy – colorful I spy printable full of pumpkins and Jack-o-lanterns
Free printable Halloween mazes – practice fine motor skills and thinking skills while solving the mazes
Cute monster coloring pages – color the friendly monsters however you like!
Halloween cut and paste worksheets – strengthen scissor skills with these fun Halloween worksheets
Monster worksheets for preschoolers – learn with monsters and build those preschool skills
Fun Halloween Jack-o-lantern craft – decorate the pumpkins with this free printable template
You can download the Halloween same and different printable at the end of this article.
Halloween worksheets pdf
Here is a preview of the printable pages.

And please, keep in mind, that these Halloween worksheets are for personal and classroom use only. Thank you.
Same and different worksheets
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