Free printable missing numbers on a number line worksheets for your first graders!
If your students are working with number lines, then these missing numbers on a number line worksheets will come in handy.
In my previous article, we used number lines to add and subtract within 20. Now children will practice rote counting and counting numbers all the way up to 120.
number line with missing numbers Worksheets
Number lines are a great tool for growing number sense and learning to count and skip count in the elementary years.
These number line with missing numbers worksheets will be a great addition to your math lesson plans in the first grade.
You will find two pages in this printable PDF. Each page includes numbers on a number line anywhere from 10 to 120.
There are 21 numbers on each number line and there are about five to seven numbers missing.
Children will read the numbers in order and write the ones that follow the numerical order.
More Number Worksheets
100 number line will be a great addition to your math curriculum in first grade. Children can practice writing numbers as well as skip counting.
Number line to 20 is a set of printable number lines to use when introducing this concept in kindergarten or first grade.
120 chart with missing numbers will be a great additional practice of counting, numbers, number squares, and more.
Summer missing number worksheets 1-100 can help your students stay on top of learning even during the summer!
Tracing numbers 1-100 will come in handy if your kids are struggling with writing their numbers.
You can download this number line printable at the end of this post.
Have fun counting!
Placing numbers on a number line worksheet
Here is a preview of the two pages included in this PDF set:
And please, keep in mind, that these number line worksheets are for personal and classroom use only. Thank you!
Missing numbers on a number line
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