Free printable ten frames worksheets for your spring theme in kindergarten!
Spring is a great time to review all that children have learned throughout the year.
Use this set of ten frame worksheets with your kindergarten students and have them practice reading and writing numbers with ten frames.
You will also find double ten frames so they can work on teen numbers as well. Overall, children will practice numbers 1 to 20 with these kindergarten math worksheets.

Ten frame worksheets
You will get four printable pages in this PDF.
Two pages focus on ten frames and two on double ten frames. This way children can practice both, one-digit and two-digit numbers up to 20.
The worksheets are spring-themed but feel free to use them any time throughout the year.
First, students will practice number recognition and coloring the ten frames. And the second page has children “read” the ten frames and write corresponding numbers.
You can download this printable at the end of the article.
UPDATE: There was a mistake in one of the worksheets and it has been fixed!

Spring ten frame worksheets
Here is a preview of what’s included in the worksheets.

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