Ten frame addition to 10 worksheets

Easy to print addition to 10 worksheets with ten frames!

Help your child gain addition fluency with these addition to 10 worksheets accompanied by ten frames.

Children will solve the addition problems by coloring ten frames according to each equation. This helps them visualize the problem and gain a better understanding of adding numbers together.

addition to 10 ten frames worksheets

Ten frame addition worksheets pdf

If your kindergarten students need extra practice with their addition skills, they’ll benefit from these ten frame addition worksheets.

The ten frame helps them create a visual representation of the addition problem. They can “see” it and understand it better.

You’ll find two worksheets included in this printable pdf.

These are simple addition worksheets that will be a great companion to teaching addition in kindergarten.

For more ten frame worksheets, just check out the articles here:

Ten frame flashcards – add these flashcards to your teacher toolbox for simple ten frame activities

Spring ten frame worksheets – practice numbers to 10 with this spring-themed printable

Thanksgiving ten frames – cute turkeys and ten frames to work on numbers up to 10

Blank ten frames – download these templates for year-round math

Counting snowflakes with ten frames – fun winter worksheets with ten frames and snowflakes

Fall counting with five and ten frames – lots of fall pictures to count and color five and ten frames

Football teen numbers – teach your kindergartener how to build teen numbers

Counting stars with ten frames – count smiley stars and choose the correct ten frame

Making teen numbers with ten frames – more teen numbers worksheets you can’t miss!

To download, just go to the bottom of this article and get your free printable there.


Addition With Ten Frames Worksheets

Take a quick look at the worksheets included in this PDF:

addition to 10 ten frames worksheets
addition to 10 ten frames worksheets

Please, remember, these ten frame addition worksheets for kindergarten are for personal and classroom use only. You may not alter or redistribute them in any way. Thank you!

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