Spring Skip Counting By 5

Fun spring printable to practice skip counting by 5s!

Whether you have kindergarten or first grade students learning to count by 5s, these worksheets will come in handy! Children will practice counting by 5s, write their numbers, and solve a number maze.

Free printable spring skip counting by 5s worksheets for first grade.

Skip counting by 5s worksheets

By learning to skip count, children can develop a strong foundation in math, which will help them to succeed in more complex math concepts such as multiplication and division later on.

You can find a whole library of skip counting worksheets here.

This particular set of skip counting worksheets is focused on learning to skip count by 5s.

Spring skip counting by 5 worksheet
Skip counting by 5 worksheet

Counting by 5s worksheet PDF

In this set of spring worksheets, you will find two pages.

First, children will skip count all the way to 130. Then they will play around with a number maze and skip count to 100 to find their way out.

What you’ll need:

  • the printable Spring skip counting by 5s worksheets PDF (download at the end)
  • printer
  • paper
  • pencil for writing
  • crayons for coloring the maze
Spring skip counting by 5 maze
Skip counting number maze

Skip counting worksheets

Check out these other skip counting worksheets that are free for your to download:

Spring skip couting worksheets PDF

You can download this free printabe below. Just click on the link under the pink Planes&Balloons banner. Then save or print right away.
