Pre-primer sight words flashcards

Help your kids learn their pre-primer sight words with these fun colorful flash cards!

If you are looking to make your own flashcards for teaching pre-primer sight words, then this printable pack will help you out.

This PDF includes all 40 Dolch sight words for pre-kindergarten kids learning to read.

The flash cards are colorful and easy to make.

Just print, laminate, and cut out.

Pages with Dolch sight words for pre-kindergarten 40 words

Dolch pre-primer sight words flashcards to make at home

You will find five pages included in this PDF.

Each page includes eight sight words to teach your kids. The cards are colorful and playful to keep children interested.

And feel free to include some other sight word activities you can find free on this site, such as sight words coloring or dot marker sight words search.

Pre primer sight words flash cards on a wooden tabletop

To download the sight words flash cards, just go to the end of this article and get your PDF there.


Pre-k sight words PDF flash cards

pre-primer sight words flash cards eight cards per page
40 pre-primer sight words flash cards eight cards per page

And please remember these sight words flash cards are for personal and classroom use only. Don’t redistribute them or alter them in any way. Thank you!

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