Get these free printable ten frame templates for math practice in kindergarten and first grade!
Use these printable ten frames for your math lessons, whether for teaching counting, addition, subtraction, place value, and other mathematical concepts.
You will get blank ten frames and double ten frames in this printable pdf set.
Children can color them, use manipulatives or stickers while learning counting and numbers.
And to make things as easy as possible for you, I also added colorful counters to use with the ten frames. Simply print, laminate, and cut them out.
What an easy way to use ten frames and build numbers!

Blank ten frame printable
You will find a total of four pages in this printable set.
Each page includes different amounts and sizes of the ten frames, so choose the ones that work for you best.
Ten frames help children to “see” numbers or how the numbers are built. They learn different ways to make the same number, e.g. 3+4=7 but also 2+5=7, and thus learn the basics of addition.
Double ten frames are a great tool to introduce teen numbers while ten is always one unit and then adding ones is what changes the number. This is the basis for place value.
Blank ten frame templates are great for using manipulatives such as counting bears or blocks. But if you don’t have any at hand, just use the counters included in the pdf.
Ways to use printable ten frames
There are many activities you can do with ten frames. Here are just a few ideas:
- write a number next to the frame and ask your child to color the frame
- in a similar fashion, color the frames and ask your students to write the numbers
- practice simple addition problems by coloring the frames with two colors. Ask your students to write the addition sentence.
- use them as cards! Color and cut out multiple frames and let your child practice number “reading” while on the go
- make a memory game by making ten frame pairs
- similarly, make a matching game with numbers and ten frames
To download my ten frame printable set, just scroll down to the end of this article. Then grab a copy of the PDF.
Ten frame worksheets
Spring ten frame worksheets – spring-themed ten frames and double ten frames to practice reading and writing numbers
Summer ten frame worksheets – keep learning even during the summer with these ten frame worksheets
Thanksgiving ten frames – cute turkey ten frames to practice numbers up to 10
Addition to 10 with ten frames – let your kids practice addition to 10 with ten frames
Counting snowflakes with ten frames – count snowflakes up to 20, write numbers, and color ten frames
Fall counting with five and ten frames – a perfect printable for the beginning of the school year
Football teen numbers – practice teen numbers with football-themed ten frames
Counting stars with ten frames – different worksheets to grow number sense using ten frames
Making teen numbers with ten frames – a perfect printable set for teaching place value
Ten frame flashcards – have your students grow their number sense with flashcard activities
Ten frame templates
Take a look at two of the pages included in this printable. Then download the whole set below.

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