Ten Frame Flashcards

Help your kids grow number sense with these free printable ten frame flashcards!

Kids will love to play games and grow their understanding of how numbers are built with these ten frame flashcards.

You will find two sets of number flashcards in this printable pdf. Each sets covers numbers from 0 to 10.

Read more for activities and game ideas you can easily do at home with your kids!

Ten frame flashcards with and without numbers on blue background with text overlay

Ten Frame Flashcards Printable

This PDF consists of six pages total.

You will need to do a little bit of prep work first, but if you laminate these, you’ll have a ten frame activity ready at hand for years to come!

What you’ll need:

  • paper and printer
  • scissors
  • laminator

The flash cards take all about ten minutes to prepare. Just print the pages, laminate them, and cut out each card.

Your students will start learning in no time!

What is the purpose of a ten frame

Ten frames are a popular tool for teaching young children the number sense.

Because number ten is the base of our number system, the understanding of how it’s made and how other numbers relate to ten, gives children a strong math foundation.

Ten frames help kids visualize numbers, build them and take them apart. They are a perfect basis for addition and subtraction. Children learn to “see” that 5+2=7 but also 2+5=7!

Soon, students will learn to recognize number pairs that make ten, compose and decompose numbers in multiple ways and start using mental math to complete math operations.

Ten frames are just that exciting!

Ways to learn with ten frame flashcards

You can play various games and do simple activities with your students using ten frame flashcards.

Here are just some ideas:

  • say the numbers – flash a card and see if your kids can say the number without counting the dots
  • write the numbers – practice handwriting with the set of flashcards without numbers
  • how many more to ten – have your kids figure out how many more dots will make ten
  • matching pairs – print two sets of cards and have fun playing memory games or matching game
  • counting bears – give your kids some counters, such as bears or small erasers, and let them count the same amount as shown on each card
  • hide and seek cards – hide the cards around the house and let your kids look for them. Every time they find a card, have them shout out the number

Ten frame worksheets

Blank ten frame templates – these are perfect for use with counters or small toys

Summer ten frame worksheets – count to 20 with seashells and other summer favorites

Summer ten frame addition – practice addition with the summer-vibe worksheets

Teen numbers with ten frames – kids will better grasp the concept of teen numbers if they learn them with ten frames

Thanksgiving ten frames – add these to your November worksheets collection

Ten frame addition to 10 – simple worksheets to practice addition to 10

Counting snowflakes with ten frames – have fun with these winter math worksheets and learn counting up to 20

Football teen numbers – a fun printable for learning teen numbers

To download the printable flashcards, just find the download button at the end of this post.


10 frame flashcards PDF

Here’s a quick look at the two different versions of the ten frame falshcards.

Ten frame flashcards with numbers and number words
Ten frame flashcards with red dots, no numbers

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